Saturday, 2 August 2014


7th Central Pay Commission Board is Formed, Members of 7th CPC Panel

7th Pay Commission, New Delhi: The government has announced the set up of four member seventh central pay commission which was actually initiated in September of last year but was said that the composition of the pay panel was now cleared by the prime minster Mr. Manmohan Singh. 

The four member 7th CPC board comprised of former Supreme Court judge Mr. Ashok Kumar Mathur who is heading the commission panel and the other members included the petroleum secretary who is due his retire later this month Mr. Vivek Rao, the director of national institute of public finance and policy (NIPFP) Mr. Rathin Roy and Ms Meena Agarwal who is at present in the finance ministry.

However, this announcement of appointing the 7th pay panel which is also a burden to the exchequer is coming just before a few weeks to the general elections which can actually be understood as a ploy to attract nearly 80 lakhs of the central government employeesand pensioners.

Generally a pay commission is set up for every 10 years to take into account the impact of inflation and cost of living to review salaries of the central government employees. The finance minister has also stated in September that the average time taken by the pay commission is two years and hence the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission shall come into implementation from the month of January 2016.

The panel not only looks into the matter of reviewing and increasing the pay scales but shall also discuss the working conditions and suggestions to increase the retirement age from 60 years to 62 years which may in fact force the government to defer hiring. However, the seventh pay panel reference terms are yet to be made public which shall be the right time to discuss further on this matter.  

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